“Ant Tekes”, Alumni Gathering 2023
Tau Kappa Epsilon – Mu Lambda Chapter Ant Tekes have always found time and a reason to get together.
Over the past 50 years, fraters from pins 1 to 100 (a.k.a. Ant Tekes) have always found time and a reason to get together. Whether to camp in the wilderness, celebrate a birthday or wedding, play golf, attend a sports event like the Great Lakes Invitational hockey tournament, dine out, or visit a frater not seen in a while. We do this because we enjoy each other’s company. It is a special bond that exists because of our TKE brotherhood.
As a group, our first get-together happened a short time after leaving Tech. That started a long tradition that continues today. Ant-Teke alumni gatherings are typically held in years not associated with the 5-year fraternity reunions in Houghton. Some of the places our reunions have been at include Lake Geneva WI, Traverse City MI, Las Vegas NV, Muskegon MI, Grand Rapids MI, and Myrtle Beach SC.
Paul Horvath (Pin# 26) and Karla Horvath graciously hosted this gathering. Our 2023 Ant Tekes alumni gathering was at the Delamar Hotel in Traverse City, Michigan.